Stop Doing These Things Now To Improve Your Life

Written by Dorothy Watson

If there are portions of your life that you wish could be a bit better, then it is time to look inside of yourself for the answers. Sometimes, it is not about what you could do better, but what you are currently doing that you need to stop so that you can have the life that you deserve. If you are facing a similar predicament, then coach Dawn Hale is here for the rescue. We have compiled some great tips for how to modify or stop what you are doing today to have a better life tomorrow.  

Stop Staying Up Late To Get Things Done

Life can be busy, and as days get shorter, you may be tempted to try and finish your tasks by staying up late, but that would be a big mistake. Doctors recommend at least seven to nine hours of sleep so you can wake up the next day refreshed, and if you go to sleep earlier, you could wake up earlier and get more done. In addition to feeling rested, sleep can help you to fight off potential stress, anxiety, and even medical problems as time goes on.

Stop Eating Bad Food

While it may be tempting to go to your favorite fast food restaurant and get a quick bite, many of those meals are filled with trans fat that are terrible for your weight and heart health. Plus, when you eat poorly, you often feel sluggish and then you can’t complete what you need to so you can find the success you crave.

It is still important to eat, but you need to choose the right food. The key is to eat foods that are high in all the nutrients you need. Lean meats, fish, and whole grains are a great start. When it comes to snacks, go for nuts, especially almonds, that are dense with nutrients, will satisfy your appetite, and give you the energy that you need to complete your goals.

Stop Working At A Job You Hate

We all need to pay our bills, but if that is the only reason why you are staying at a job that you loathe, then you are doing more harm than good. When you are tired of your job, you wake up every morning feeling sluggish and unhappy and then you experience that unwelcomed anxiety. Instead, consider a career change. These days, it is easier than ever to find a new job by obtaining your degree online. When you look at schools, ensure that it is competitive and that the tuition rates are competitive. 

If you are unsure of what you should do with your life, look towards many flourishing careers including nursing and solar installation, that could give you everything you need to succeed. Criminal justice is another increasingly popular career that not only pays well but also offers great variety in the type of jobs you can obtain. Whether you are interested in correctional program support or public administration, you have a home in criminal justice.

Stop Being Negative

When life is not going how you would like, it is easy to fall into a negative outlook, but sitting and stewing about how the world is against you will only make things worse. Instead of being mad at the world, make sure to think about the bright side and recognize the things that you do have, including your health and shelter, and be happy about that. From there, focus on making the right changes to improve your life. 

Stop Avoiding Exercise

Finally, remember that you need to get some physical activity in order to be fit and feel better about life. Even 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week will improve your strength and endurance and lift your spirits. Exercising in the morning will also increase your chances of living longer so you can accomplish even more during your life.
As you can see, there are many habits and thoughts that you can stop today that will have you on the road to the dream life. If you still need help putting your life on the right path, contact coach Dawn Hale at (908) 256-4976.

Tips & ToolsDawn Hale